Thursday, 8 August 2013


* Environment monitoring and device control using ARM based Embedded Controlled Sensor Network
* ARM Hardware Platform for Vehicular Monitoring and Tracking
* Design of emergency remote security monitoring and control system based on ARM and Zigbee
* Sun tracking control strategy for improved reliability and Performance using ARM
* Design of Intelligent Home Appliance Control System based on ARM and Zigbee
* The Research of Electric Car Battery Monitoring System based on Arm
* Intelligence Monitoring System based on ARM And Information Fusion
* Weighing System of Fruit-Transportation Gyro car based on ARM
* ARM9 based Embedded Controller of the Boiler Combustion
* High Temperature Alert to the Doctor using ARM and GSM Modem
* Involuntary Meter Reading using ARM Microcontroller
* Temperature Monitors and Controlled System in Heating System using ARM Microcontroller
* Vehicle Tracking using GPS and ARM Microcontroller
* Staff Attendance using ARM Microcontroller
* Fire Finding and Automatic Indication System using ARM Microcontroller
* Accident Recognition System using GSM and ARM Microcontroller
* Fire Revealing and Involuntary Indication System using ARM Microcontroller
* An Performance of Intellectual Petrol Bags for Vehicle Using Wireless Equipment and ARM Microcontroller
* ARM Microcontroller based Wireless Blood Pressure Monitoring System
* Wireless Zigbee Controller for Dc Motor using ARM Microcontroller
* Monitoring and Control of Wireless Home Appliance System using Wireless Technology and ARM Microcontroller
* ARM Microcontroller based Heartbeat Monitor with LCD Display
* Password Protected GSM based Device Control using ARM
* ARM Microcontroller based Involuntary Railway Gate Control System
* Speed and Direction Control of DC Motor using GSM Modem
* Finger Print based Access Control System using ARM Microcontroller
* Automatic Car Parking System using ARM Microcontroller
* PC Based Substation Monitoring and Control Using ARM Microcontroller
* Implementation of Data Encryption Standard on ARM (ARM7TDMI) LPC2148
* Automatic Water Filling System using RTC in ARM
* Real time data acquisition using ARM 7 TDMI processor based LPC2148
* Industrial Temperature Monitoring and controlling using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148
* Intelligent LPG / Smoke Detector with Auto dialer using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148
* GSM based Remote Industrial appliances control system using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148
* Implementation of ZigBee (CC2500) based multipoint secured PC messaging system ARM 7 TDMI processor based LPC2148 Controller
* Biometric finger print based bank locker system using ARM 7 TDMI processor LPC2148
* Auto turn off for water pump with four different time slots using ARM 7 LPC2148
* Development of gas leak detection and location system based on wireless technology
* Design of an Intelligent SMS based Remote Metering System using ARM7
* Multi-Functional Car with Accident Alert Sensor using ARM7
* Solar Driven Vehicle With Drunken People Identification With Auto Ignition Disable Function Using ARM7
* Wireless ATM security with GSM using ARM7
* Embedded Electronic Voting System with instant results Using ARM7


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