Showing posts with label IEEE Projects 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IEEE Projects 2013. Show all posts

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


* A 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform Based 7-State Hidden Markov Model for Efficient Face Recognition
* A Fatigue Detection System with Eyeglasses Removal
* A Novel Approach for Face Detection using Artificial Neural Network
* A Robust QR- Code Video Watermarking Scheme Based On SVD and DWT Composite Domain
* A Survey on the Successive Interference Cancellation Performance for Single-Antenna and Multiple-Antenna OFDM Systems
* A Wavelet based Image Watermarking Technique using Image Sharing Method
* Adaptive Local Tone Mapping Based on Retinex for High Dynamic Range Images
* An Adaptive Blind Video Watermarking Technique based on SD-BPSO and DWT-SVD
* Analysis of Multispectral Image Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Binary Plane Technique for Super Resolution Image Reconstruction Using Integer Wavelet Transform
* Brain Tumor Classification Using Discrete Cosine Transform and Probabilistic Neural Network
* Children Detection Algorithm Based on Statistical Models and LDA in Human Face Images
* Compare the performance analysis for FFT based MIMO-OFDM with DWT based MIMO-OFDM
* Contrast Enhancement Using Dominant Brightness Level Analysis and Adaptive Intensity Transformation for Remote Sensing Images
* Design and implementation of an automatic traffic sign recognition system on TI Processor
* Digital watermarking using DWT and DES
* Digital Watermarking with copyright authentication for image communication
* Discrete Wavelet Transform and Data Expansion Reduction in Homomorphic Encrypted Domain
* Dual Transform Based Steganography Using Wavelet Families and Statistical Methods
* Foggy Image Enhancement Using Wavelet Decomposition, Quadratic Thresholding and Auto-Adaptive LUM Filter
* General Framework to Histogram-Shifting-Based Reversible Data Hiding
* Hardware Implementation of a Digital Watermarking System for Video Authentication
* Image authentication and restoration by multiple watermarking techniques with advance encryption standard in digital photography
* Image steganography in DWT domain using double-stegging with RSA encryption
* Implementation and performance analysis of DCT-DWT-SVD based watermarking algorithms for color images
* Intensity Range Based Background Subtraction for Effective Object Detection
* Irregular Moving Object Detecting and Tracking Based on Color in Real-time System
* Least Significant Bit Matching Stegoanalysis Based on Feature Analysis
* MIMO-OFDM Transceivers With Dual-Polarized Division Multiplexing and Diversity for Multimedia Broadcasting Services
* Novel Techniques to reduce PAPR in OFDM Systems Using Threshold SLM
* Novel Windowing Scheme for Cognitive OFDM Systems
* Optimal 16-Ary APSK Encoded Coherent Optical OFDM for Long-Haul Transmission
* Performance Analysis of OFDM Systems with Selected Mapping in the Presence of Nonlinearity
* Performance analysis of SLM for PAPR reduction of OFDM signal in Marine Channel
* Practical Camera Calibration From Moving Objects for Traffic Scene Surveillance
* Real Time Edge Detected Advanced Image Acquisition System using RGB Analysis
* Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation using an Extreme Learning Machine Approach
* Robust Watermarking of AES Encrypted Images for DRM Systems
* Spectrum-Efficient Coherent Optical OFDM for Transport Networks
* Satellite Image Enhancement Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Threshold Decomposition Driven Morphological Filter
* Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and Nonlocal Means
* Segmentation of Tissues in MR Images using Modified Spatial Fuzzy C Means Algorithm
* Separable Reversible Encrypted Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Using AES algorithm and Lossy Technique
* Shadow Removal for Background Subtraction using Illumination Invariant Measures
* Spectrum-Efficient Coherent Optical OFDM for Transport Networks
* Study and Analysis of PCA, DCT & DWT based Image Fusion Techniques
* Texture classification using color local texture features
* Track Creation and Deletion Framework for Long-Term Online Multi face Tracking
* Wavelet Based ECG Steganography for Protecting Patient Confidential Information in Point-of-Care Systems

DSP & DIP Projects using AD-BlackFin Processors (BF531 / Visual DSP++) and ADSP Processor

For More Titles, Abstracts visit

Thursday, 8 August 2013


* Environment monitoring and device control using ARM based Embedded Controlled Sensor Network
* ARM Hardware Platform for Vehicular Monitoring and Tracking
* Design of emergency remote security monitoring and control system based on ARM and Zigbee
* Sun tracking control strategy for improved reliability and Performance using ARM
* Design of Intelligent Home Appliance Control System based on ARM and Zigbee
* The Research of Electric Car Battery Monitoring System based on Arm
* Intelligence Monitoring System based on ARM And Information Fusion
* Weighing System of Fruit-Transportation Gyro car based on ARM
* ARM9 based Embedded Controller of the Boiler Combustion
* High Temperature Alert to the Doctor using ARM and GSM Modem
* Involuntary Meter Reading using ARM Microcontroller
* Temperature Monitors and Controlled System in Heating System using ARM Microcontroller
* Vehicle Tracking using GPS and ARM Microcontroller
* Staff Attendance using ARM Microcontroller
* Fire Finding and Automatic Indication System using ARM Microcontroller
* Accident Recognition System using GSM and ARM Microcontroller
* Fire Revealing and Involuntary Indication System using ARM Microcontroller
* An Performance of Intellectual Petrol Bags for Vehicle Using Wireless Equipment and ARM Microcontroller
* ARM Microcontroller based Wireless Blood Pressure Monitoring System
* Wireless Zigbee Controller for Dc Motor using ARM Microcontroller
* Monitoring and Control of Wireless Home Appliance System using Wireless Technology and ARM Microcontroller
* ARM Microcontroller based Heartbeat Monitor with LCD Display
* Password Protected GSM based Device Control using ARM
* ARM Microcontroller based Involuntary Railway Gate Control System
* Speed and Direction Control of DC Motor using GSM Modem
* Finger Print based Access Control System using ARM Microcontroller
* Automatic Car Parking System using ARM Microcontroller
* PC Based Substation Monitoring and Control Using ARM Microcontroller
* Implementation of Data Encryption Standard on ARM (ARM7TDMI) LPC2148
* Automatic Water Filling System using RTC in ARM
* Real time data acquisition using ARM 7 TDMI processor based LPC2148
* Industrial Temperature Monitoring and controlling using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148
* Intelligent LPG / Smoke Detector with Auto dialer using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148
* GSM based Remote Industrial appliances control system using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148
* Implementation of ZigBee (CC2500) based multipoint secured PC messaging system ARM 7 TDMI processor based LPC2148 Controller
* Biometric finger print based bank locker system using ARM 7 TDMI processor LPC2148
* Auto turn off for water pump with four different time slots using ARM 7 LPC2148
* Development of gas leak detection and location system based on wireless technology
* Design of an Intelligent SMS based Remote Metering System using ARM7
* Multi-Functional Car with Accident Alert Sensor using ARM7
* Solar Driven Vehicle With Drunken People Identification With Auto Ignition Disable Function Using ARM7
* Wireless ATM security with GSM using ARM7
* Embedded Electronic Voting System with instant results Using ARM7