Thursday, 20 December 2012

Networking Project IEEE Papers available in Java and DotNET, Java & DotNET IEEE 2013 - 2014

* A Distributed Control Law for Load Balancing in Content Delivery Networks
* A Flexible Platform for Hardware-Aware Network Experiments and a Case Study on Wireless Network Coding
* A Formal Data-Centric Approach for Passive Testing of Communication Protocols
* A Low-Complexity Congestion Control and Scheduling Algorithm for Multihop Wireless Networks With Order-Optimal Per-Flow Delay
* A Pattern-Matching Scheme With High Throughput Performance and Low Memory Requirement
* A Utility Maximization Framework for Fair and Efficient Multicasting in Multicarrier Wireless Cellular Networks
* ABC: Adaptive Binary Cuttings for Multidimensional Packet Classification
* Achieving Efficient Flooding by Utilizing Link Correlation in Wireless Sensor Networks
* ACORN: An Auto-Configuration Framework for 802.11n WLANs
* An Adaptive System Based on Roadmap Profiling to Enhance Warning Message Dissemination in VANETs
* An Efficient and Fair MAC Protocol Robust to Reactive Interference
* An Efficient and Robust Addressing Protocol for Node Autoconfiguration in Ad Hoc Networks
* An Empirical Interference Modeling for Link Reliability Assessment in Wireless Networks
* An Exponential Improvement on the MST Heuristic for Minimum Energy Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
* An Information-Theoretical Approach to High-Speed Flow Nature Identification
* Back-Pressure-Based Packet-by-Packet Adaptive Routing in Communication Networks
* Basic Performance Limits and Tradeoffs in Energy-Harvesting Sensor Nodes With Finite Data and Energy Storage
* Beyond OFDM: Best-Effort Dynamic Spectrum Access Using Filterbank Multicarrier
* Centralized and Distributed Protocols for Tracker-Based Dynamic Swarm Management
* Combined Optimal Control of Activation and Transmission in Delay-Tolerant Networks
* Complexity Analysis and Algorithm Design for Advance Bandwidth Scheduling in Dedicated Networks
* Content Availability and Bundling in Swarming Systems
* Context-Aware Nanoscale Modeling of Multicast Multihop Cellular Networks
* Control of Wireless Networks With Secrecy
* Cooperative Carrier Signaling: Harmonizing Coexisting WPAN and WLAN Devices
* Cross-Domain Privacy-Preserving Cooperative Firewall Optimization
* Cross-Layer Metrics for Reliable Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks
* Delay-Based Network Utility Maximization
* Design and Implementation of an “Approximate” Communication System for Wireless Media Applications
* Differential Forms for Target Tracking and Aggregate Queries in Distributed Networks
* Diffusion Dynamics of Network Technologies With Bounded Rational Users: Aspiration-Based Learning
* Distortion-Aware Scalable Video Streaming to Multinetwork Clients
* Distributed CSMA Algorithms for Link Scheduling in Multihop MIMO Networks Under SINR Model
* Distributed Data Collection in Large-Scale Asynchronous Wireless Sensor Networks Under the Generalized Physical Interference Model
* Duty-Cycle-Aware Minimum-Energy Multicasting in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Efficient Algorithms for Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks
* Efficient Gray-Code-Based Range Encoding Schemes for Packet Classification in TCAM
* Employing the One-Sender–Multiple-Receiver Technique in Wireless LANs
* Entry and Spectrum Sharing Scheme Selection in Femtocell Communications Markets
* Experiences With a Centralized Scheduling Approach for Performance Management of IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs
* Exploring the Design Space of Multichannel Peer-to-Peer Live Video Streaming Systems
* Fast Algorithms and Performance Bounds for Sum Rate Maximization in Wireless Networks
* Fast Tag Searching Protocol for Large-Scale RFID Systems
* Fast Transmission to Remote Cooperative Groups: A New Key Management Paradigm
* Final 20th Aug 2013
* Fine-Grained Channel Access in Wireless LAN
* FlashLinQ: A Synchronous Distributed Scheduler for Peer-to-Peer Ad Hoc Networks
* Full text access may be available. Click article title to sign in or learn about subscription options.
* GEographic Multicast (GEM) for Dense Wireless Networks: Protocol Design and Performance Analysis
* Geographic Routing in d -Dimensional Spaces With Guaranteed Delivery and Low Stretch
* ICTCP: Incast Congestion Control for TCP in Data-Center Networks
* Improving Network Agility With Seamless BGP Reconfigurations
* Internet-Scale IPv4 Alias Resolution With MIDAR
* Jointly Optimal Rate Control and Relay Selection for Cooperative Wireless Video Streaming
* Large Deviation Multifractal Analysis of a Class of Additive Processes With Correlated Nonstationary Increments
* LIFO-Backpressure Achieves Near-Optimal Utility-Delay Tradeoff
* Localization of Wireless Sensor Networks in the Wild: Pursuit of Ranging Quality
* Measuring Pulsed Interference in 802.11 Links
* Mobile Data Offloading: How Much Can WiFi Deliver?
* Mobility Increases the Connectivity of Wireless Networks
* Model-Driven Optimization of Opportunistic Routing
* Moment-Based Spectral Analysis of Large-Scale Networks Using Local Structural Information
* On Distributed and Coordinated Resource Allocation for Interference Mitigation in Self-Organizing LTE Networks
* On Downlink Capacity of Cellular Data Networks With WLAN/WPAN Relays
* On Replication Algorithm in P2P VoD
* On the Discovery of Critical Links and Nodes for Assessing Network Vulnerability
* Opportunistic MANETs: Mobility Can Make Up for Low Transmission Power
* Optimal Content Placement for Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand Systems
* Predicting the Impact of Measures Against P2P Networks: Transient Behavior and Phase Transition
* Pricing-Based Decentralized Spectrum Access Control in Cognitive Radio Networks
* Privacy Vulnerability of Published Anonymous Mobility Traces
* QFQ: Efficient Packet Scheduling With Tight Guarantees
* Quantifying and Verifying Reachability for Access Controlled Networks
* Random Walks and Green's Function on Digraphs: A Framework for Estimating Wireless Transmission Costs
* Randomized Information Dissemination in Dynamic Environments
* Realizing the Benefits of Wireless Network Coding in Multirate Settings
* Rigorous Statistical Analysis of Internet Loss Measurements
* Scheduling in a Random Environment: Stability and Asymptotic Optimality
* Secondary Spectrum Trading—Auction-Based Framework for Spectrum Allocation and Profit Sharing
* Semi-Random Backoff: Towards Resource Reservation for Channel Access in Wireless LANs
* Spreader Classification Based on Optimal Dynamic Bit Sharing
* Stability of FIPP p -Cycles Under Dynamic Traffic in WDM Networks
* Stochastic Game for Wireless Network Virtualization
* Synoptic Graphlet: Bridging the Gap Between Supervised and Unsupervised Profiling of Host-Level Network Traffic
* The Elimination of Spatial-Temporal Uncertainty in Underwater Sensor Networks
* The Impact of Access Probabilities on the Delay Performance of Q-CSMA Algorithms in Wireless Networks
* Throughput-Optimal Scheduling in Multihop Wireless Networks Without Per-Flow Information
* Time-Bounded Essential Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Topology Control for Effective Interference Cancellation in Multiuser MIMO Networks
* Towards MIMO-Aware 802.11n Rate Adaptation
* Towards Practical Communication in Byzantine-Resistant DHTs

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