* A 3.42-Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Malleable Tasks under Precedence Constraints
* A Fast RPC System for Virtual Machines
* A New Progressive Algorithm for a Multiple Longest Common Subsequences Problem and Its Efficient Parallelization
* A Novel Message Scheduling Framework for Delay Tolerant Networks Routing
* A Secure Payment Scheme with Low Communication and Processing Overhead for Multihop Wireless Networks
* A Secure Protocol for Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Creation
* Adaptive Network Coding for Broadband Wireless Access Networks
* Aging-Aware Energy-Efficient Workload Allocation for Mobile Multimedia Platforms
* An Efficient and Secure Dynamic Auditing Protocol for Data Storage in Cloud Computing
* An Efficient Penalty-Aware Cache to Improve the Performance of Parity-Based Disk Arrays under Faulty Conditions
* An Iterative Divide-and-Merge-Based Approach for Solving Large-Scale Least Squares Problems
* Analysis of a Hypercube-Based Social Feature Multipath Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks
* Analysis of a Pool Management Scheme for Cloud Computing Centers
* Analysis of Distance-Based Location Management in Wireless Communication Networks
* ASAP: Scalable Collision Arbitration for Large RFID Systems
* Attached-RTS: Eliminating an Exposed Terminal Problem in Wireless Networks
* Attribute-Aware Data Aggregation Using Potential-Based Dynamic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Autogeneration and Autotuning of 3D Stencil Codes on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous GPU Clusters
* Bayesian-Inference-Based Recommendation in Online Social Networks
* Binary Tree Slotted ALOHA for Passive RFID Tag Anticollision
* Buffer Management for Aggregated Streaming Data with Packet Dependencies
* CDS-Based Virtual Backbone Construction with Guaranteed Routing Cost in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Characterization and Management of Popular Content in KAD
* Cluster-Based Certificate Revocation with Vindication Capability for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
* Coding-Aware Proportional-Fair Scheduling in OFDMA Relay Networks
* Coloring-Based Inter-WBAN Scheduling for Mobile Wireless Body Area Networks
* Communication Energy Modeling and Optimization through Joint Packet Size Analysis of BSN and WiFi Networks
* Community-Based Caching for Enhanced Lookup Performance in P2P Systems
* Complete EAP Method: User Efficient and Forward Secure Authentication Protocol for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs
* Coordinated Self-Configuration of Virtual Machines and Appliances Using a Model-Free Learning Approach
* Covering Points of Interest with Mobile Sensors
* Cross-Layer Design of Congestion Control and Power Control in Fast-Fading Wireless Networks
* CSI-Based Indoor Localization
* DCNS: An Adaptable High Throughput RFID Reader-to-Reader Anticollision Protocol
* Design and Performance Evaluation of Overhearing-Aided Data Caching in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* Detection and Localization of Multiple Spoofing Attackers in Wireless Networks
* Distance Transform-Based Skeleton Extraction and Its Applications in Sensor Networks
* Distributed k-Core Decomposition
* DoMaIN: A Novel Dynamic Location Management Solution for Internet-Based Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks
* Dynamic Coverage of Mobile Sensor Networks
* Dynamic Optimization of Multiattribute Resource Allocation in Self-Organizing Clouds
* Efficient Computation of Robust Average of Compressive Sensing Data in Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Sensor Faults
* Efficient Eager Management of Conflicts for Scalable Hardware Transactional Memory
* Efficient Two-Server Password-Only Authenticated Key Exchange
* Enabling Efficient WiFi-Based Vehicular Content Distribution
* E-SmallTalker: A Distributed Mobile System for Social Networking in Physical Proximity
* ESWC: Efficient Scheduling for the Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks with Delay Constraint
* Exploiting Concurrency for Efficient Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Exploiting Ubiquitous Data Collection for Mobile Users in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Fast Channel Zapping with Destination-Oriented Multicast for IP Video Delivery
* Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems Using Fused Data Structures
* Feasibility of Polynomial-Time Randomized Gathering for Oblivious Mobile Robots
* Finding All Maximal Contiguous Subsequences of a Sequence of Numbers in O(1) Communication Rounds
* Finite-Difference Wave Propagation Modeling on Special-Purpose Dataflow Machines
* Flexible Symmetrical Global-Snapshot Algorithms for Large-Scale Distributed Systems
* Formal Specification and Runtime Detection of Dynamic Properties in Asynchronous Pervasive Computing Environments
* Gaussian versus Uniform Distribution for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Geocommunity-Based Broadcasting for Data Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks
* GKAR: A Novel Geographic $(K)$-Anycast Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Grouping-Proofs-Based Authentication Protocol for Distributed RFID Systems
* Hardware Signature Designs to Deal with Asymmetry in Transactional Data Sets
* Heterogeneous Resource Allocation under Degree Constraints
* High Performance Resource Allocation Strategies for Computational Economies
* High-Accuracy TDOA-Based Localization without Time Synchronization
* Hint-Based Execution of Workloads in Clouds with Nefeli
* Hypocomb: Bounded-Degree Localized Geometric Planar Graphs for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* IDM: An Indirect Dissemination Mechanism for Spatial Voice Interaction in Networked Virtual Environments
* Improve Efficiency and Reliability in Single-Hop WSNs with Transmit-Only Nodes
* Improving the Reliability of MPI Libraries via Message Flow Checking
* In-Network Estimation with Delay Constraints in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Intelligent Sensor Placement for Hot Server Detection in Data Centers
* IP-Geolocation Mapping for Moderately Connected Internet Regions
* ITA: Innocuous Topology Awareness for Unstructured P2P Networks
* K-Means for Parallel Architectures Using All-Prefix-Sum Sorting and Updating Steps
* Lightweight Location Verification Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Link Scheduling for Exploiting Spatial Reuse in Multihop MIMO Networks
* Load Rebalancing for Distributed File Systems in Clouds
* LOBOT: Low-Cost, Self-Contained Localization of Small-Sized Ground Robotic Vehicles
* Lower and Upper Bounds for Multicasting under Distance Dependent Forwarding Cost Functions
* Lower Bound for Node Buffer Size in Intermittently Connected Wireless Networks
* LU Factorization with Partial Pivoting for a Multicore System with Accelerators
* LvtPPP: Live-Time Protected Pseudopartitioning of Multicore Shared Caches
* Managing Overloaded Hosts for Dynamic Consolidation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Data Centers under Quality of Service Constraints
* Mapping a Jacobi Iterative Solver onto a High-Performance Heterogeneous Computer
* Microarchitecture of a Coarse-Grain Out-of-Order Superscalar Processor
* Minimum-Cost Sensor Placement for Required Lifetime in Wireless Sensor-Target Surveillance Networks
* MIN-MAX: A Counter-Based Algorithm for Regular Expression Matching
* Mobi-Sync: Efficient Time Synchronization for Mobile Underwater Sensor Networks
* Modeling and Optimization of the IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol for Reliable and Timely Communications
* Modeling Oscillation Behavior of Network Traffic by Nested Hidden Markov Model with Variable State-Duration
* Modeling Propagation Dynamics of Social Network Worms
* Monitoring Quality Maximization through Fair Rate Allocation in Harvesting Sensor Networks
* Network Traffic Classification Using Correlation Information
* On Data Staging Algorithms for Shared Data Accesses in Clouds
* On-Chip Sensor Network for Efficient Management of Power Gating-Induced Power/Ground Noise in Multiprocessor System on Chip
* Online Balancing Two Independent Criteria upon Placements and Deletions
* Online Real-Time Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous Multicore System-on-a-Chip
* Optimal Client-Server Assignment for Internet Distributed Systems
* Parallel $(k)$-Clique Community Detection on Large-Scale Networks
* Parallel Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioning on Graphic Processing Units
* PASQUAL: Parallel Techniques for Next Generation Genome Sequence Assembly
* Per-Flow Queue Management with Succinct Priority Indexing Structures for High Speed Packet Scheduling
* POVA: Traffic Light Sensing with Probe Vehicles
* Priority-Based Consolidation of Parallel Workloads in the Cloud
* PrIter: A Distributed Framework for Prioritizing Iterative Computations
* Query-Log Aware Replicated Declustering
* RASS: A Real-Time, Accurate, and Scalable System for Tracking Transceiver-Free Objects
* Resilient Self-Compressive Monitoring for Large-Scale Hosting Infrastructures
* Resisting Web Proxy-Based HTTP Attacks by Temporal and Spatial Locality Behavior
* Retrieving Smith-Waterman Alignments with Optimizations for Megabase Biological Sequences Using GPU
* Robust Tracking of Small-Scale Mobile Primary User in Cognitive Radio Networks
* Runtime Contention and Bandwidth-Aware Adaptive Routing Selection Strategies for Networks-on-Chip
* Scalable and Accurate Graph Clustering and Community Structure Detection
* Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing Using Attribute-Based Encryption
* Scalable Hypergrid k-NN-Based Online Anomaly Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Scaling Laws of Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks over General Primary Network Models
* Scheduling Sensor Data Collection with Dynamic Traffic Patterns
* Secure SOurce-BAsed Loose Synchronization (SOBAS) for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Self-Adaptation-Based Dynamic Coalition Formation in a Distributed Agent Network: A Mechanism and a Brief Survey
* Self-Adaptive Contention Aware Routing Protocol for Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks
* Sensor Network Navigation without Locations
* Service Provision Control in Federated Service Providing Systems
* Social Similarity Favors Cooperation: The Distributed Content Replication Case
* SPOC: A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Opportunistic Computing Framework for Mobile-Healthcare Emergency
* Strategies for Energy-Efficient Resource Management of Hybrid Programming Models
* Supporting HPC Analytics Applications with Access Patterns Using Data Restructuring and Data-Centric Scheduling Techniques in MapReduce
* Survey of Energy-Cognizant Scheduling Techniques
* SyRaFa: Synchronous Rate and Frequency Adjustment for Utilization Control in Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems
* Task Allocation for Undependable Multiagent Systems in Social Networks
* The Bodyguard Allocation Problem
* Thermal and Energy Management of High-Performance Multicores: Distributed and Self-Calibrating Model-Predictive Controller
* Topology Abstraction Service for IP-VPNs
* Two Blocks Are Enough: On the Feasibility of Using Network Coding to Ameliorate the Content Availability of BitTorrent Swarms
* Virtual Batching: Request Batching for Server Energy Conservation in Virtualized Data Centers
* WILL: Wireless Indoor Localization without Site Survey
* A Fast RPC System for Virtual Machines
* A New Progressive Algorithm for a Multiple Longest Common Subsequences Problem and Its Efficient Parallelization
* A Novel Message Scheduling Framework for Delay Tolerant Networks Routing
* A Secure Payment Scheme with Low Communication and Processing Overhead for Multihop Wireless Networks
* A Secure Protocol for Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Creation
* Adaptive Network Coding for Broadband Wireless Access Networks
* Aging-Aware Energy-Efficient Workload Allocation for Mobile Multimedia Platforms
* An Efficient and Secure Dynamic Auditing Protocol for Data Storage in Cloud Computing
* An Efficient Penalty-Aware Cache to Improve the Performance of Parity-Based Disk Arrays under Faulty Conditions
* An Iterative Divide-and-Merge-Based Approach for Solving Large-Scale Least Squares Problems
* Analysis of a Hypercube-Based Social Feature Multipath Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks
* Analysis of a Pool Management Scheme for Cloud Computing Centers
* Analysis of Distance-Based Location Management in Wireless Communication Networks
* ASAP: Scalable Collision Arbitration for Large RFID Systems
* Attached-RTS: Eliminating an Exposed Terminal Problem in Wireless Networks
* Attribute-Aware Data Aggregation Using Potential-Based Dynamic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Autogeneration and Autotuning of 3D Stencil Codes on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous GPU Clusters
* Bayesian-Inference-Based Recommendation in Online Social Networks
* Binary Tree Slotted ALOHA for Passive RFID Tag Anticollision
* Buffer Management for Aggregated Streaming Data with Packet Dependencies
* CDS-Based Virtual Backbone Construction with Guaranteed Routing Cost in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Characterization and Management of Popular Content in KAD
* Cluster-Based Certificate Revocation with Vindication Capability for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
* Coding-Aware Proportional-Fair Scheduling in OFDMA Relay Networks
* Coloring-Based Inter-WBAN Scheduling for Mobile Wireless Body Area Networks
* Communication Energy Modeling and Optimization through Joint Packet Size Analysis of BSN and WiFi Networks
* Community-Based Caching for Enhanced Lookup Performance in P2P Systems
* Complete EAP Method: User Efficient and Forward Secure Authentication Protocol for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs
* Coordinated Self-Configuration of Virtual Machines and Appliances Using a Model-Free Learning Approach
* Covering Points of Interest with Mobile Sensors
* Cross-Layer Design of Congestion Control and Power Control in Fast-Fading Wireless Networks
* CSI-Based Indoor Localization
* DCNS: An Adaptable High Throughput RFID Reader-to-Reader Anticollision Protocol
* Design and Performance Evaluation of Overhearing-Aided Data Caching in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* Detection and Localization of Multiple Spoofing Attackers in Wireless Networks
* Distance Transform-Based Skeleton Extraction and Its Applications in Sensor Networks
* Distributed k-Core Decomposition
* DoMaIN: A Novel Dynamic Location Management Solution for Internet-Based Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks
* Dynamic Coverage of Mobile Sensor Networks
* Dynamic Optimization of Multiattribute Resource Allocation in Self-Organizing Clouds
* Efficient Computation of Robust Average of Compressive Sensing Data in Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Sensor Faults
* Efficient Eager Management of Conflicts for Scalable Hardware Transactional Memory
* Efficient Two-Server Password-Only Authenticated Key Exchange
* Enabling Efficient WiFi-Based Vehicular Content Distribution
* E-SmallTalker: A Distributed Mobile System for Social Networking in Physical Proximity
* ESWC: Efficient Scheduling for the Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks with Delay Constraint
* Exploiting Concurrency for Efficient Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Exploiting Ubiquitous Data Collection for Mobile Users in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Fast Channel Zapping with Destination-Oriented Multicast for IP Video Delivery
* Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems Using Fused Data Structures
* Feasibility of Polynomial-Time Randomized Gathering for Oblivious Mobile Robots
* Finding All Maximal Contiguous Subsequences of a Sequence of Numbers in O(1) Communication Rounds
* Finite-Difference Wave Propagation Modeling on Special-Purpose Dataflow Machines
* Flexible Symmetrical Global-Snapshot Algorithms for Large-Scale Distributed Systems
* Formal Specification and Runtime Detection of Dynamic Properties in Asynchronous Pervasive Computing Environments
* Gaussian versus Uniform Distribution for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Geocommunity-Based Broadcasting for Data Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks
* GKAR: A Novel Geographic $(K)$-Anycast Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Grouping-Proofs-Based Authentication Protocol for Distributed RFID Systems
* Hardware Signature Designs to Deal with Asymmetry in Transactional Data Sets
* Heterogeneous Resource Allocation under Degree Constraints
* High Performance Resource Allocation Strategies for Computational Economies
* High-Accuracy TDOA-Based Localization without Time Synchronization
* Hint-Based Execution of Workloads in Clouds with Nefeli
* Hypocomb: Bounded-Degree Localized Geometric Planar Graphs for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* IDM: An Indirect Dissemination Mechanism for Spatial Voice Interaction in Networked Virtual Environments
* Improve Efficiency and Reliability in Single-Hop WSNs with Transmit-Only Nodes
* Improving the Reliability of MPI Libraries via Message Flow Checking
* In-Network Estimation with Delay Constraints in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Intelligent Sensor Placement for Hot Server Detection in Data Centers
* IP-Geolocation Mapping for Moderately Connected Internet Regions
* ITA: Innocuous Topology Awareness for Unstructured P2P Networks
* K-Means for Parallel Architectures Using All-Prefix-Sum Sorting and Updating Steps
* Lightweight Location Verification Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Link Scheduling for Exploiting Spatial Reuse in Multihop MIMO Networks
* Load Rebalancing for Distributed File Systems in Clouds
* LOBOT: Low-Cost, Self-Contained Localization of Small-Sized Ground Robotic Vehicles
* Lower and Upper Bounds for Multicasting under Distance Dependent Forwarding Cost Functions
* Lower Bound for Node Buffer Size in Intermittently Connected Wireless Networks
* LU Factorization with Partial Pivoting for a Multicore System with Accelerators
* LvtPPP: Live-Time Protected Pseudopartitioning of Multicore Shared Caches
* Managing Overloaded Hosts for Dynamic Consolidation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Data Centers under Quality of Service Constraints
* Mapping a Jacobi Iterative Solver onto a High-Performance Heterogeneous Computer
* Microarchitecture of a Coarse-Grain Out-of-Order Superscalar Processor
* Minimum-Cost Sensor Placement for Required Lifetime in Wireless Sensor-Target Surveillance Networks
* MIN-MAX: A Counter-Based Algorithm for Regular Expression Matching
* Mobi-Sync: Efficient Time Synchronization for Mobile Underwater Sensor Networks
* Modeling and Optimization of the IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol for Reliable and Timely Communications
* Modeling Oscillation Behavior of Network Traffic by Nested Hidden Markov Model with Variable State-Duration
* Modeling Propagation Dynamics of Social Network Worms
* Monitoring Quality Maximization through Fair Rate Allocation in Harvesting Sensor Networks
* Network Traffic Classification Using Correlation Information
* On Data Staging Algorithms for Shared Data Accesses in Clouds
* On-Chip Sensor Network for Efficient Management of Power Gating-Induced Power/Ground Noise in Multiprocessor System on Chip
* Online Balancing Two Independent Criteria upon Placements and Deletions
* Online Real-Time Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous Multicore System-on-a-Chip
* Optimal Client-Server Assignment for Internet Distributed Systems
* Parallel $(k)$-Clique Community Detection on Large-Scale Networks
* Parallel Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioning on Graphic Processing Units
* PASQUAL: Parallel Techniques for Next Generation Genome Sequence Assembly
* Per-Flow Queue Management with Succinct Priority Indexing Structures for High Speed Packet Scheduling
* POVA: Traffic Light Sensing with Probe Vehicles
* Priority-Based Consolidation of Parallel Workloads in the Cloud
* PrIter: A Distributed Framework for Prioritizing Iterative Computations
* Query-Log Aware Replicated Declustering
* RASS: A Real-Time, Accurate, and Scalable System for Tracking Transceiver-Free Objects
* Resilient Self-Compressive Monitoring for Large-Scale Hosting Infrastructures
* Resisting Web Proxy-Based HTTP Attacks by Temporal and Spatial Locality Behavior
* Retrieving Smith-Waterman Alignments with Optimizations for Megabase Biological Sequences Using GPU
* Robust Tracking of Small-Scale Mobile Primary User in Cognitive Radio Networks
* Runtime Contention and Bandwidth-Aware Adaptive Routing Selection Strategies for Networks-on-Chip
* Scalable and Accurate Graph Clustering and Community Structure Detection
* Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing Using Attribute-Based Encryption
* Scalable Hypergrid k-NN-Based Online Anomaly Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Scaling Laws of Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks over General Primary Network Models
* Scheduling Sensor Data Collection with Dynamic Traffic Patterns
* Secure SOurce-BAsed Loose Synchronization (SOBAS) for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Self-Adaptation-Based Dynamic Coalition Formation in a Distributed Agent Network: A Mechanism and a Brief Survey
* Self-Adaptive Contention Aware Routing Protocol for Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks
* Sensor Network Navigation without Locations
* Service Provision Control in Federated Service Providing Systems
* Social Similarity Favors Cooperation: The Distributed Content Replication Case
* SPOC: A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Opportunistic Computing Framework for Mobile-Healthcare Emergency
* Strategies for Energy-Efficient Resource Management of Hybrid Programming Models
* Supporting HPC Analytics Applications with Access Patterns Using Data Restructuring and Data-Centric Scheduling Techniques in MapReduce
* Survey of Energy-Cognizant Scheduling Techniques
* SyRaFa: Synchronous Rate and Frequency Adjustment for Utilization Control in Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems
* Task Allocation for Undependable Multiagent Systems in Social Networks
* The Bodyguard Allocation Problem
* Thermal and Energy Management of High-Performance Multicores: Distributed and Self-Calibrating Model-Predictive Controller
* Topology Abstraction Service for IP-VPNs
* Two Blocks Are Enough: On the Feasibility of Using Network Coding to Ameliorate the Content Availability of BitTorrent Swarms
* Virtual Batching: Request Batching for Server Energy Conservation in Virtualized Data Centers
* WILL: Wireless Indoor Localization without Site Survey
Great Article
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